Home > Annual Report 2018-2019

The year 2018-19 has been a landmark for SWAD, we saw communities of the programme areas become sensitized for their socio-economic development by involving themselves actively. Since its establishment, SWAD has been committed to the welfare, empowerment, upliftment and security of the target vulnerable communities. SWAD has worked with multiple stakeholders, government bodies, media, private sectors, international agencies, national civil society organizations and community based organizations to create an equitable and equal society through our different interventions in the areas.

SWAD strives to work through well-planned and comprehensive programmes in Health, Nutrition, Education, Livelihoods, Conflicts, Entitlements, Women, Children, Aged, Environment, Disaster preparedness, response and recovery, etc. by taking the impetus from its precious initiatives. While implementing these initiatives, SWAD partners with international aid agencies and regional likeminded civil society organizations. We too contact interface interaction with government bodies of different departments to articulate various government welfare schemes vis-à-vis marginalized and voiceless section of the society. The interaction drives the attention of the service providers to channelize the pertinent resource and services to deserving population with joint strategies of all line departments.

SWAD will continue to engage with the communities on the prevalent issues in the area through technical, financial and handholding supports of staff and volunteers and through convergence initiatives. By this annual report, we hope for the wider dissemination of success stories at the confluence of various interventions of SWAD.

Fr BabyFr. Joseph Valiaparambil
Director – SWAD