Home > Annual Report 2020-2021

It gives me immense pleasure to present the 29th Annual Report of Society for Welfare, Animation and Development (SWAD) with considerable performance and achievements for the financial year 2020-2021. Despite the dark shadows of COVID-19 pandemic which clouded the whole year, and the unprecedented enforcement of new FCRA Amendment Bills 2020, SWAD has performed with much improved and aggregate social welfare activities through different developmental initiatives and interventions.

SWAD has been prioritizing the health and safety of employees, stakeholders and beneficiaries during the implementation of different project activities. Even before the state lockdown enforced on 22 March 2020, SWAD had already taken preventive measures by not implementing the activities prone to infectious of COVID-19 spread by cancelling, postponing and relaxing the planned activities. Offices have been operating with minimal staff for humanitarian relief response to the affected families due to prolonged lockdown and for undertaking activities during the period of normalcy. Necessary COVID-19 precautions are being taken to sanitize the workplaces regularly by staff in collaboration with local Government and CSO personnel.
I express my warm gratitude and sincere appreciation to every responsible person for the amazing work that stands as a testimony of SWAD. The SWAD team working continuously for the holistic and inclusive development of the unprivileged target communities by undertaking initiatives in the field of livelihood promotion, education, health, agro-entrepreneurship, natural resource management, justice and peacebuilding, basic rights and entitlements, vocational skill development, empowerment of women and other excluded groups in the societies, relief and rehabilitations in times of pandemic/epidemic, disaster and climate change. These noble initiatives are materialized through the generous and benevolent collaborators of national and international aid agencies; through the cooperative CSO partners; through the dedicated staff and volunteers; and through the supportive stakeholders and Government line departments. I gratefully acknowledge the direct and indirect contributions of each individual mentioned above that elevate and augment the vision, mission and objectives of SWAD. I positively hope that the same spirits will continue in the following years as well.
This 29th Annual Report of SWAD gives a glimpse of achievements through the efforts of SWAD Family during the year 2020-2021, nonetheless the project wise detail implementation and achievement reports are submitted to respective donors and reserved copies of the same at SWAD office for future references. SWAD looks forward to continuous collaborative support, participation and blessings from all well-wishers so as the ameliorate the developmental approaches to supplement the UN Sustainable Developmental Goals that encompass poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice of the disadvantaged and unprivileged communities, groups and individuals to lead a dignified and quality lives.


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